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How Bob Frissell's Nothing in This Book Is True Can Help You Ascend to Higher Dimensions of Reality

Bob Frissell: Nothing in This Book Is True PDF Download

Have you ever wondered about the true origin of humanity, the hidden agenda of the aliens, or the meaning of life and the universe? If so, you might be interested in reading Bob Frissell's book, Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are. In this article, we will give you a brief overview of the book, its author, and its main themes. We will also show you how to download the PDF version of the book for free. So, let's get started!

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Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are is a book written by Bob Frissell, a spiritual teacher, author, and healer. The book was first published in 1994 and has since been revised and updated several times. The book claims to reveal the secrets of the past, present, and future of humanity and the planet, as well as the spiritual principles and practices that can help us ascend to higher dimensions of reality.

Who is Bob Frissell?

Bob Frissell is a former engineer who became interested in metaphysics and spirituality after experiencing a near-death experience in 1979. He studied with various teachers and masters, including Drunvalo Melchizedek, Leonard Orr, and Ramtha. He also learned various healing modalities, such as Rebirthing, Craniosacral Therapy, and Reiki. He is currently a certified facilitator of the Flower of Life Workshop and the Merkaba Meditation. He travels around the world to share his knowledge and wisdom with others.

What is the book about?

The book is a compilation of information that Bob Frissell claims to have received from various sources, such as channeling, meditation, research, and personal experience. The book covers a wide range of topics, such as: - The ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria and their connection to Egypt and other cultures - The extraterrestrial intervention and manipulation of human DNA and history by various races, such as the Anunnaki, the Greys, the Reptilians, and the Pleiadians - The secret government and its involvement in underground bases, mind control, UFOs, and conspiracies - The ascension process and the dimensional shift that is happening on Earth and how it affects our consciousness and reality - The Flower of Life and sacred geometry as the blueprint of creation and the key to unlocking our potential - The Merkaba and the light body activation as the vehicle for interdimensional travel and spiritual evolution - The Breath of Life and the unity consciousness as the way to access our true nature and connect with all that is

Why is nothing in this book true?

The title of the book is meant to be provocative and paradoxical. It implies that nothing in this book is true from a conventional or rational perspective, but it is true from a higher or intuitive perspective. It also suggests that truth is relative and subjective, depending on one's level of awareness and perception. Therefore, nothing in this book is true for everyone, but it might be true for some people who resonate with it. Ultimately, nothing in this book is true because truth is beyond words and concepts. It can only be experienced directly by each individual.

Main Body

In this section, we will briefly summarize some of the main topics and themes that are discussed in the book. However, we recommend that you read the book yourself to get a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the author's perspective and message.

The History of the World According to Bob Frissell

One of the most controversial and fascinating parts of the book is the history of the world according to Bob Frissell. He claims that the history that we have been taught in school and through mainstream media is a distorted and incomplete version of what really happened. He offers an alternative and radical view of the origin and evolution of humanity and the planet, based on his sources and insights. Here are some of the highlights:

The Ancient Civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria

According to Bob Frissell, humanity originated from a higher dimension of reality, where we lived in harmony and peace with ourselves, each other, and nature. We were fully conscious and connected to our divine source. However, due to various reasons, such as curiosity, experimentation, or interference, we decided to lower our vibration and enter the third dimension of reality, where we experienced separation, duality, and limitation. We created two main civilizations on Earth: Atlantis and Lemuria. Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean, while Lemuria was located in the Pacific Ocean. These civilizations were very advanced and had access to technologies and abilities that we can only imagine today. However, they also had conflicts and wars with each other, as well as with other races that visited or invaded Earth. Eventually, both civilizations destroyed themselves and sank into the ocean, causing a global cataclysm that wiped out most of the life on Earth.

The Extraterrestrial Intervention and the Secret Government

After the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria, humanity was left in a state of chaos and confusion. We lost most of our memory and knowledge and became vulnerable to manipulation and control by other forces. Bob Frissell claims that various extraterrestrial races took advantage of this situation and intervened in human affairs, either for benevolent or malevolent purposes. Some of these races include: - The Anunnaki: A race of beings from the planet Nibiru who came to Earth to mine gold and other resources. They genetically modified human DNA to create a slave race that would serve them. They also created a false hierarchy and religion to keep humans in fear and ignorance. They are still influencing human affairs through their descendants, such as the royal families and the elite. - The Greys: A race of beings from Zeta Reticuli who came to Earth to conduct experiments and abductions on humans. They are working with the secret government and the Anunnaki to create a hybrid race that would replace humanity. They are also responsible for creating implants, clones, and mind control programs that affect many people. - The Reptilians: A race of beings from Alpha Draconis who came to Earth to conquer and dominate it. They are shape-shifters who can infiltrate human society and positions of power. They feed on human energy, especially fear and negativity. They are behind many wars, crimes, atrocities, and conspiracies that plague humanity. - The Pleiadians: A race of beings from the Pleiades star system who came to Earth to assist humanity in its evolution and ascension. They are our ancestors and cousins who share a common origin with us. They are here to remind us of our true nature and potential. They communicate with us through channeling, dreams, synchronicities, and intuition.

Bob Frissell also claims that there is a secret government that is working with some of these extraterrestrial races to control humanity and prevent it from awakening. The secret government consists of various organizations, such as the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Vatican, the CIA, the NSA, NASA, MJ-12, etc. They have access to advanced technologies and information that are hidden from the public eye. They are involved in various projects and operations that affect humanity's health, wealth, freedom, and spirituality.

The Ascension Process and the Dimensional Shift

Despite all the challenges and difficulties that humanity faces on Earth, Bob Frissell assures us that there is hope and a positive outcome for us. He claims that we are currently going through an ascension process and a dimensional shift that will transform our reality and consciousness. He explains that this process is related to: - The Galactic Alignment: The alignment of our solar system with the center of our galaxy that occurs every 26,000 years. This alignment creates a powerful influx of cosmic energy that affects our planet and ourselves. - The Photon Belt: A band of high-frequency light that our solar system enters every 11,000 years. This belt raises our vibration and activates our dormant DNA strands. The Pole Shift: A reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles that occurs every 13,000 years. This shift causes changes in the Earth's crust, climate, and weather patterns. It also affects our brain and nervous system, as well as our perception of time and space.

Bob Frissell claims that these events are part of a natural cycle of evolution that is designed to help us grow and expand our consciousness. He says that we are moving from the third dimension of reality, where we experience separation, duality, and limitation, to the fourth and fifth dimensions of reality, where we experience unity, harmony, and abundance. He says that this shift will occur around the year 2012, which is the end of the Mayan calendar and the beginning of a new era. He says that this shift will bring many changes and challenges, but also many opportunities and blessings. He says that we have a choice to either resist or embrace this shift, and that our choice will determine our destiny.

The Spiritual Teachings of Bob Frissell

Another important part of the book is the spiritual teachings of Bob Frissell. He claims that he has learned these teachings from various sources, such as Drunvalo Melchizedek, Thoth, Ramtha, and his own inner guidance. He says that these teachings are universal and timeless, and that they can help us understand ourselves and our reality better. He also says that these teachings are practical and experiential, and that they can help us activate our latent abilities and potentials. Here are some of the main teachings:

The Flower of Life and Sacred Geometry

Bob Frissell introduces us to the concept of the Flower of Life, which is a geometric pattern that contains all the information and codes of creation. He says that this pattern is found everywhere in nature and in ourselves, and that it is the basis of all sacred geometry. He explains that sacred geometry is the language of light and sound that creates and sustains everything in existence. He shows us how to use sacred geometry to understand the structure and function of our physical and energetic bodies, as well as our relationship with the cosmos. He also shows us how to use sacred geometry to create healing tools and devices, such as crystals, pyramids, mandalas, etc.

The Merkaba and the Light Body Activation

Bob Frissell teaches us about the Merkaba, which is a star tetrahedron-shaped energy field that surrounds our body. He says that the Merkaba is our vehicle for interdimensional travel and spiritual evolution. He says that we all have a dormant Merkaba that needs to be activated in order to access higher dimensions of reality. He shows us how to activate our Merkaba through a specific meditation technique that involves breathing patterns, visualizations, mudras, and sounds. He says that by activating our Merkaba, we can align ourselves with our higher self and source, protect ourselves from negative influences, heal ourselves and others, manifest our desires, and ascend to higher levels of consciousness.

The Breath of Life and the Unity Consciousness

Bob Frissell reminds us of the importance of breathing as a way to connect with our life force and spirit. He says that breathing is not only a physical function but also a spiritual one. He says that by breathing consciously and deeply, we can access our true nature and essence. He introduces us to a breathing technique called the Breath of Life, which is similar to Rebirthing or Holotropic Breathing. He says that by practicing this technique regularly, we can release old traumas, emotions, beliefs, and patterns that limit us. He says that by clearing our subconscious mind, we can open ourselves to new possibilities and realities. He says that by breathing in this way, we can also activate our pineal gland or third eye, which is our gateway to higher dimensions of reality. He says that by opening our third eye, we can see beyond the illusion of separation and duality. He says that by seeing with our third eye, we can experience unity consciousness or oneness with all that is.


In conclusion, Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are is a book that challenges us to question everything we think we know about ourselves and our reality. It is a book that invites us to explore alternative perspectives and possibilities that might expand our awareness and understanding. It is a book that encourages us to experiment and experience different aspects of our being and potential. It is a book that inspires us to awaken and ascend to higher dimensions of reality and consciousness.

How to Download the PDF Version of the Book

If you are interested in reading the book, you might be wondering how to download the PDF version of it for free. Well, there are several ways to do that, but we recommend that you use a reliable and safe website that offers free PDF downloads of books. One such website is PDF Drive, which is a search engine for PDF files. You can access PDF Drive by clicking on this link: Once you are on the website, you can type in the title of the book or the author's name in the search box and hit enter. You will then see a list of results that match your query. You can choose the one that suits your preference and click on the download button. You will then be able to save the PDF file on your device and read it at your convenience.

Summary and Key Takeaways

Here are some of the main points and takeaways from this article: - Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are is a book written by Bob Frissell, a spiritual teacher, author, and healer. - The book claims to reveal the secrets of the past, present, and future of humanity and the planet, as well as the spiritual principles and practices that can help us ascend to higher dimensions of reality. - The book covers a wide range of topics, such as: - The ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria and their connection to Egypt and other cultures - The extraterrestrial intervention and manipulation of human DNA and history by various races, such as the Anunnaki, the Greys, the Reptilians, and the Pleiadians - The secret government and its involvement in underground bases, mind control, UFOs, and conspiracies - The ascension process and the dimensional shift that is happening on Earth and how it affects our consciousness and reality - The Flower of Life and sacred geometry as the blueprint of creation and the key to unlocking our potential - The Merkaba and the light body activation as the vehicle for interdimensional travel and spiritual evolution - The Breath of Life and the unity consciousness as the way to access our true nature and connect with all that is - The title of the book is meant to be provocative and paradoxical. It implies that nothing in this book is true from a conventional or rational perspective, but it is true from a higher or intuitive perspective. It also suggests that truth is relative and subjective, depending on one's level of awareness and perception. Therefore, nothing in this book is true for everyone, but it might be true for some people who resonate with it. Ultimately, nothing in this book is true because truth is beyond words and concepts. It can only be experienced directly by each individual. - You can download the PDF version of the book for free from PDF Drive, which is a search engine for PDF files.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the book and its author:

  • Is Bob Frissell still alive?

Yes, Bob Frissell is still alive as of 2023. He is currently 75 years old. He was born on June 6, 1948.

  • Where can I find more information about Bob Frissell and his work?

You can find more information about Bob Frissell and his work on his official website: You can also follow him on Facebook:

  • What are some other books written by Bob Frissell?

Some other books written by Bob Frissell are: - Something in This Book Is True: The Official Companion to Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are - You Are a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience - Transforming Through 2012: Leading Perspectives on the New Global Paradigm - The Thirteenth Step: Ancient Solutions to the Contemporary Problems of Alcoholism and Addiction Using the Timeless Wisdom of The Native American Church Ceremony

  • What are some similar books to Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are?

Some similar books to Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are are: - The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Law of One by Ra - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth by Doreal - Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak

  • How can I apply the teachings of the book in my life?

You can apply the teachings of the book in your life by: - Reading the book with an open mind and heart, and discerning what resonates with you and what does not - Practicing the meditation and breathing techniques that are taught in the book, and observing their effects on your body, mind, and spirit - Studying and applying the principles of sacred geometry and the Flower of Life in your daily life, and noticing how they enhance your creativity, intuition, and manifestation - Activating and using your Merkaba and light body for healing, protection, and exploration of higher dimensions of reality - Breathing in the Breath of Life and experiencing unity consciousness with all that is - Following your inner guidance and intuition, and trusting your higher self and source - Being aware of the changes and challenges that are happening on Earth and within yourself, and choosing to embrace them with love, courage, and gratitude - Being of service to others and the planet, and sharing your gifts and wisdom with those who are ready to receive them

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and found it useful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them below. Thank you for your time and attention. 71b2f0854b


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